Tuesday, April 3, 2007

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

This would have been a cute picture, but the sun was in their eyes. At least they are all sitting in one place!
Heather is ready to get her Easter Eggs!
"Look Mommy! I got eggs!"
Zachary doesn't let a bush get in the way when he is on an Easter Egg Mission!
Since I had two little ones in the 0-1 category, Katie, our pastor's daughter, gave me a helping hand. I am trying to work out a deal with her where she takes Audrey for a day and I take her 2 pound Yorkshire puppy for a day...negotiations are still in the works. :-)
"Miss Muscles"
Christopher and Zachary are enjoying their Easter cookies.
Heather worked on a craft project in the garage while the younger kids were hunting for their Easter Eggs.
Christopher liked the playset in the backyard. He was pretending that it was a pirate ship.
"Now what??? Someone put me in the swing, but now how do I get someone to push me?"

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