Saturday, April 14, 2007

Crawfish Invasion!!!

Christopher is modeling the newest fashion craze...Crawfish Claw Earrings!!!
The poor little crawfish are lined up to get their tails pulled off!
Connie, our neighbor, brought a whole platter of crawfish and artichokes over tonight. I had mentioned to her that I had never had crawfish so she brought me some and taught me how to pull their tails off and eat them.
Heather wasn't too excited about them. She is reluctantly holding one here. She is also holding the Yorkshire Terrier puppy that we are "puppy-sitting".
Apparently, crawfish heads make great finger puppets!!!
Yum-Yum...Give me some of them "mud puppies!!"
"Look Mommy! It fits on my finger!"
Christopher thought that he would try sucking the head out of the crawfish. He got as far as putting it in his mouth and that was enough for him.
Zachary had the best time sucking the heads out of the crawfish! He's an true Cajun!!
Jerry actually put seafood in his mouth!!! He ate ONE crawfish and then had a blast watching the rest of us eat/PLAY with them. We are teaching our kids good manners - playing with your food is perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't play back!

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