Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter Pictures

My Little Easter Princess
My beautiful daughters. Their dresses matched - how cute!!
Christopher and Audrey hamming it up for the camera.
My family - I am a very lucky woman.
That smile melts my heart every time!! Ain't she cute!!??

Crawfish Invasion!!!

Christopher is modeling the newest fashion craze...Crawfish Claw Earrings!!!
The poor little crawfish are lined up to get their tails pulled off!
Connie, our neighbor, brought a whole platter of crawfish and artichokes over tonight. I had mentioned to her that I had never had crawfish so she brought me some and taught me how to pull their tails off and eat them.
Heather wasn't too excited about them. She is reluctantly holding one here. She is also holding the Yorkshire Terrier puppy that we are "puppy-sitting".
Apparently, crawfish heads make great finger puppets!!!
Yum-Yum...Give me some of them "mud puppies!!"
"Look Mommy! It fits on my finger!"
Christopher thought that he would try sucking the head out of the crawfish. He got as far as putting it in his mouth and that was enough for him.
Zachary had the best time sucking the heads out of the crawfish! He's an true Cajun!!
Jerry actually put seafood in his mouth!!! He ate ONE crawfish and then had a blast watching the rest of us eat/PLAY with them. We are teaching our kids good manners - playing with your food is perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't play back!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

This would have been a cute picture, but the sun was in their eyes. At least they are all sitting in one place!
Heather is ready to get her Easter Eggs!
"Look Mommy! I got eggs!"
Zachary doesn't let a bush get in the way when he is on an Easter Egg Mission!
Since I had two little ones in the 0-1 category, Katie, our pastor's daughter, gave me a helping hand. I am trying to work out a deal with her where she takes Audrey for a day and I take her 2 pound Yorkshire puppy for a day...negotiations are still in the works. :-)
"Miss Muscles"
Christopher and Zachary are enjoying their Easter cookies.
Heather worked on a craft project in the garage while the younger kids were hunting for their Easter Eggs.
Christopher liked the playset in the backyard. He was pretending that it was a pirate ship.
"Now what??? Someone put me in the swing, but now how do I get someone to push me?"

Audrey's New Bed

Audrey is trying out her new crib set.
She stared at the butterflies on her bumper pads for quite a while.
She likes her new mobile too. She watches her butterflies very carefully. She seems fascinated by them.
Audrey's new crib set. We went with a very girly butterfly theme. Sissy thought that it matched her bedroom set very well.

Monday, April 2, 2007

New Beds for Zachary and Audrey

Zachary tries out his new bed set along with pals, Elmo and "BB" (Big Bird). All three gave their stamp of approval.
"Cool Dude" getting ready to sleep in his toddler bed for the first time.
"What did I do to deserve to be put behind bars? Wait a minute!! You mean this is where I am supposed to sleep!!??!!"
Audrey is investigating her new bed. I had to put her in the crib because she got too big for her bassinet. She wiggled around enough that she caused the bassinet mattress to flip over on top of her. I think she was trying to give Mommy a heart attack!
Zachary thinks he's "Mr. Big Stuff" now!

More Pictures of Tinkerbell

Isn't that the cutest little "gummy grin" in the world??
She was "talking" to me when I snapped this picture. She sure has a lot to say!
Audrey held her first toy today!! It took her awhile to figure out how to get it into her mouth, but she got it!
Lounging around...hangin' out...
She finally figured out that having the poppy in her mouth was counterproductive when trying to get the teething ring in her mouth.