Monday, March 12, 2007

The Zoo of Acadiana

The oldest kids had a lot of fun sitting on this bear statue. The zoo had two black bears and they liked watching them pace back and forth in their enclosure. At least this one stood still! :-)
Heather and Christopher were fascinated by this baby goat. He would just sit there and let the kids pet him. In this picture the poor little fellow is trying to get Heather's attention - how dare she quit petting him! Christopher even kissed him on the nose.
Zachary tried so hard to get the giraffe's attention. You can just see Audrey's little tiny "piggies" in the stroller - she slept through most of the zoo.
Heather and Christopher found a new friend. Christopher wanted to take him home with us and I had to explain that we didn't have enough flies to feed him or a bed for him to sleep in...that seemed to satisfy him - thank goodness!!!
We took a train ride while we were at the zoo. Zachary sat next to me saying, "choo choo" during the entire ride.

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