Monday, March 12, 2007

My Alligator Adventure

This is the sign that I saw at Jungle Gardens right before I almost stepped on an alligator.
This would be Mr. Alligator, whom I almost stepped on. Just a note - I did not use any zoom when I took this picture. I was only about 2-3 feet away from him.
Mr. Alligator wasn't very big, I would say he was only about 4 feet long. He liked having his picture taken - he never even moved!
That would be an alligator watching me take pictures. I was standing on the bank of the water when I shot this photo. I think he was waiting for one of two things to happen: 1) me fall into the water or 2) me to throw food into the water.
Jungle Gardens is along the banks of the Bayou Petit Anse. By the way, Tabasco was almost called Petit Anse Sauce.

Jungle Gardens is a fantastic park that you can either drive through or walk through. And, yes, there are alligators there all the time. But, apparently, if you don't bother them (or step on them) they will completely ignore you. The alligators in the park can reach 15 feet long. Thank goodness I didn't find one of those, although the nice lady in the gift shop informed me that I was probably being watched by one of them. Ignorance is bliss!!!! By the way, the kids stayed in the van during my photo shoot with Mr. Alligator.

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