Monday, March 26, 2007


I have started calling Audrey "Tinkerbell" because she is so small. Her daddy, however, calls her "STINKERbell"!!!! Big sister and I refuse to use Daddy's nickname - we use Tinkerbell because it fits her.
Elvis reincarnated??? I kept expecting her to say, "Uh huh, baby".
Audrey got very upset with Daddy. She packed herself in his suitcase and was going to go out-of-town with him to work, but he said no!! She did not like that answer at all!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Heather's Mexican Birthday Lunch

The servers at Chevy's Mexican Restaurant sang to Heather for her birthday. She stuck her fingers in her ears when they started singing.
She got a HUGE sundae for her birthday. She did a good job of scarfing it down.
We took Heather to a mexican restaurant for her birthday and she gets a cheeseburger??? Silly girl!!
Christopher and Zachary liked the chips and salsa best!
Jerry really enjoyed his fajitas.

Heather Feeding Sarah

Heather is feeding Sarah some bananas. She seemed to like them :-)
Sarah got thirsty so her Mommy gave her a bottle of water.

Zachary wanted to be involved in the feeding of the "new baby" so he went to Sissy's room and got a bowl and spoon.

Birthday Cake Time!!

Christopher sang "Happy Birthday" to his big sister with Mommy and Daddy. He wanted to sing it in double time though - He wanted a piece of that cake!!
Heather managed to blow all her candles out in one breath!
My little cake munchers!

Heather's 7th Birthday!!!

Heather's cake and presents. We had a Cinderella theme this year.
Christopher and Zachary got Heather a paint-by-number set for her birthday.
She also got a My Little Pony's Movie
Grandma, PaPa, and Uncle Bubby got Heather 2 complete sets of a new chapter book series about fairies and weather fairies.
She also got a Baby Alive doll. The doll actually eats, drinks, pees, AND poops!!! The first time we fed her the baby food we changed her diaper too soon and the doll pooped and peed all over me!!! The doll also talks and sings. It's really like a real baby! Heather named her new baby "Sarah"

Monday, March 12, 2007

My Alligator Adventure

This is the sign that I saw at Jungle Gardens right before I almost stepped on an alligator.
This would be Mr. Alligator, whom I almost stepped on. Just a note - I did not use any zoom when I took this picture. I was only about 2-3 feet away from him.
Mr. Alligator wasn't very big, I would say he was only about 4 feet long. He liked having his picture taken - he never even moved!
That would be an alligator watching me take pictures. I was standing on the bank of the water when I shot this photo. I think he was waiting for one of two things to happen: 1) me fall into the water or 2) me to throw food into the water.
Jungle Gardens is along the banks of the Bayou Petit Anse. By the way, Tabasco was almost called Petit Anse Sauce.

Jungle Gardens is a fantastic park that you can either drive through or walk through. And, yes, there are alligators there all the time. But, apparently, if you don't bother them (or step on them) they will completely ignore you. The alligators in the park can reach 15 feet long. Thank goodness I didn't find one of those, although the nice lady in the gift shop informed me that I was probably being watched by one of them. Ignorance is bliss!!!! By the way, the kids stayed in the van during my photo shoot with Mr. Alligator.

The Tabasco Factory on Avery Island, LA

The kids think that Jerry should fish with peppers so he can catch one like this! Christopher was fascinated with this big fish!
We wanted to take this big bottle of Tabasco Sauce with us to give to Daddy, but it wouldn't fit in my purse. :-)
The kids liked to smell the "mash". They would smell it and then laugh because their eyes were watering.
The Tabasco Country Store. It was adorable - there were swings and tables and chairs outside.

The Zoo of Acadiana

The oldest kids had a lot of fun sitting on this bear statue. The zoo had two black bears and they liked watching them pace back and forth in their enclosure. At least this one stood still! :-)
Heather and Christopher were fascinated by this baby goat. He would just sit there and let the kids pet him. In this picture the poor little fellow is trying to get Heather's attention - how dare she quit petting him! Christopher even kissed him on the nose.
Zachary tried so hard to get the giraffe's attention. You can just see Audrey's little tiny "piggies" in the stroller - she slept through most of the zoo.
Heather and Christopher found a new friend. Christopher wanted to take him home with us and I had to explain that we didn't have enough flies to feed him or a bed for him to sleep in...that seemed to satisfy him - thank goodness!!!
We took a train ride while we were at the zoo. Zachary sat next to me saying, "choo choo" during the entire ride.

Shadows-on-the-Teche Plantation

One of the statues on the grounds of Shadows-on-the-Teche Plantation.
Another statue on the plantation grounds.
Bayou Teche - the Bayou runs right behind the plantation.

My three little crawfish critters taking a rest on one of the huge oak trees on the property.
The front of the plantation. The floor plan is very weird - there are no hallways in the house. All the rooms are accessed from the outside.
The back of the house.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Audrey is 3 Months Old Now!!!!

Little Miss Audrey is getting so big! The day these pictures were taken she found her hands. She was fascinated when they moved and she would grab one hand with the other one as if to say, "Hey! How'd you do that? Did I make you do that?" She is now trying to sit up in her swing/glider too. Sissy keeps telling her to quit growing but I don't think Audrey is paying any attention to her!

Haircuts for the boys

Jerry gave the boys haircuts while he was home. I got Jerry a hair cutting kit for his birthday and he enjoys using it. After butchering the boys' hair, I have been banned from ever touching it again. I guess it's a good thing that Jerry is a barber (he was trained as one while he was in the military so that he could cut the soldiers hair while they were in Iraq during the first war).

Robin's New Toy!!!

Jerry bought me a VERY nice present over the weekend. He bought me a Ford Excursion. It is soooo roomy! I actually have cargo room now and the kids aren't practically sitting on each other. The kids were so excited and they didn't want to get out! I am now making excuses to run errands just so I can drive it :-) Jerry calls it my "Land Yacht."