Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our Build-A-Bear Adventure

Heather helps stuff her Hello Kitty Pal.
"Um, Mommy, what is he doing to my Big Bird?"
Zachary puts a heart in Big Bird.
Christopher helps stuff his Frog, but he held his ears so he couldn't hear the sound of the stuffing machine.
"Mommy, that looks like it might hurt!"
Apparently Christopher's new frog had a very dirty hind end...that's the only part of the poor fella that got a shower!
"Look Mommy! Big Bird is taking a shower!"
Hello Kitty took a very brief shower...she had to go clothes shopping.
"Mommy, this box is way too heavy for me! I think they put too much stuffing into my Big Bird!"
Zachary gave up on the box and decided to carry his Big Bird through the mall.

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