Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Audrey Got Her Ears Pierced!

This evening I took Audrey to the mall to get her ears pierced. She was so brave! She cried just for a few moments (this pic was taken only a few minutes after her ears were done). She looks just precious. Big Sister picked out the pink CZ earrings.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Audrey Holding Her Head Up

Audrey had a great time holding her head up and looking around the room. She help her little head up for about 20 minutes - at times she resembled a bobble head which really amused her brothers and sister.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our Build-A-Bear Adventure

Heather helps stuff her Hello Kitty Pal.
"Um, Mommy, what is he doing to my Big Bird?"
Zachary puts a heart in Big Bird.
Christopher helps stuff his Frog, but he held his ears so he couldn't hear the sound of the stuffing machine.
"Mommy, that looks like it might hurt!"
Apparently Christopher's new frog had a very dirty hind end...that's the only part of the poor fella that got a shower!
"Look Mommy! Big Bird is taking a shower!"
Hello Kitty took a very brief shower...she had to go clothes shopping.
"Mommy, this box is way too heavy for me! I think they put too much stuffing into my Big Bird!"
Zachary gave up on the box and decided to carry his Big Bird through the mall.

Sleeping Beauty

Audrey was "sitting" in her Boppy pillow talking to Mommy and suddenly she fell asleep! I didn't know that my conversation was so boring.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Heather and Tuna Have Tea

Heather and Tuna the Pig decided to have a tea party with the new teaset that Heather got at The Enchanted Mansion. ADORABLE!!! They really enjoyed their tea (water with yellow food coloring) and cookies. We are very proud of Tuna as she didn't spill a drop of her tea!
Zachary loves to kiss his 'baby sisser" as he calls her.
"Mommy, what did he just do to me???"

Little Miss Audrey

Thought that I would put some new pictures of Audrey on here. She loves to smile now, but everytime I pick up the camera to capture it, she stops smiling. When I put the camera down, she grins at me. It's a game with her...little twerp.

I took the kids to The Enchanted Mansion in Baton Rouge. It is a doll museum and on Thursdays they have tea and cookies for their guests. So, after our tour we sat down and enjoyed some wonderful tea and scrumptious cookies. The lovely lady that made our tea even made lemonade for the boys and put it into a teapot just for them. I think I had more fun than the kids did!

My "Diaper Dudes"

Christopher and Zachary decided to put Pull-Ups on their head and transform themselves into the Super Hero Duo of "Diaper Dudes"!!

What is wrong with this picture??

Take a look at the date stamp (2/06/2007)...now take a look at the temperature!!!!! Craziness, I tell you!

Heather Got New Glasses!

Heather got new glasses this month. I think they look really good on her. Apparently, she really needed them because after she put them on she said, "Hey Mommy, I can see the back wall now!" (we were in Wal-Mart). Silly girl!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Audrey is 2 Months Old Now!!

Audrey loves her Swing/Glider. She usually zonks out soon after I put her in it. She likes to "talk" to her mobile too. She has started to coo and babble now. And, her smile is adorable!

Poor little Audrey kept getting frustrated because her poppy (that's what all the kids have called their pacifiers) kept falling out of her mouth. So, her pink poodle that her big sister bought her gave her a "helping nose." She makes such a cute "Baby Burrito!"

Robin Finally Gets Contacts!!

At the age of 28 I finally decided to get contacts. For the first couple of days I thought I looked "weird", but Jerry thinks I look great without my glasses. I was able to buy my very first pair of non-prescription sunglasses! Whoo-Hoo!!!

Mommy's Three Little Farmers

I had way too much fun dressing the three oldest in overalls. Aren't they so cute?