Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Audrey Katharine Marie Farias was born on December 5, 2006 at 10:19am. She weighed 5 lbs. 7 oz. and was 17 1/2 inches long. She was born in Owensboro, Kentucky. Jerry, the kids, and I went to visit Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving and I started having contractions. The hospital advised me, strongly, against traveling back to Louisiana. Grandma and Grandpa sure weren't upset that she decided to make her debut in Owensboro. Uncle Bubby was a bit scared of her because she is so small. :-) She is an adorable, precious little angel. Heather told Grandma that her baby sister is "like a doll, only with batteries." Christopher has declared her "cool" and "cute" and says that we can keep her. Zachary is fascinated with her and is always wanting to see her and touch her cheeks with his little finger. And, of course, Daddy thinks that his baby girl is a definite keeper. He was a little scared of her at first too. I would hand her to him and he would go pale...hahaha. Now he is more comfortable and I think he realizes that she won't break. Our family is now complete and we are thrilled with all of our "Crawdad Critters."

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