Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bathing Beauty

"Yippee!!! Bubbles!!!"
"Mom! Don't take my picture - I am trying to take a bath!"
She LOVES her baths.
" far can I splash?"
"Are you STILL taking pictures? How embarrassing!"

Celebrating Christopher's Birthday

Zachary enjoying his bisquits while waiting for his food.
Little Miss Heather
The little twerp stole my bisquit - plate and all!!!
"Ha Ha! I got your bisquit!!"
Christopher was so sweet - he shared his birthday cobbler with his brother and sister!

My Baby is 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Christopher - in training.
Eating his Birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel. His two favorites- mac & cheese and chicken tenders.
Poor little guy got so embarrassed when they sang to him!
Sharing his birthday cobbler with his little brother!
His Doctor's kit - he picked it out himself.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pics of my Christopher!

Mr. Rough-and-Tough Cowboy got his first "tattoo".
Fishing for prizes at the Halloween party!
Having fun at the park.

Zachary - my mini-monster

His favorite jammies. He dresses like Elmo, sleeps with a big stuffed Elmo, and sleeps in his Elmo bedset...see a theme here??
This is what happens when you leave a cake unattended with a two-year-old in the house.
Getting ready to eat at our church Halloween party. Chili and hotdogs!
Is any of the cupcake ending up in his tummy? He enjoyed his cupcake A LOT!!
A cow on a saddle...hhhmmmm.....

Heather - my little lady.

Trying on a new hat. For some reason, it wouldn't stay where she put it...LOL.
Having fun at the park. That girl is all legs.
Playing with her buddies, Pickles and Tickles.
Our lovebird family members...Pickles (orange forehead) and Tickles (yellow forehead). They love using Heather as a jungle gym.

Pictures of Our Itty Bitty!!!

She was not happy with me! Isn't that a pitiful look??
She and her babydoll are dancing! My little bobby-soxer!
She was showing the baby outside.
Having fun at the park.
It's so hard to be an itty bitty! Not even her favorite Cheerios kept her awake.

Happy Halloween!!!

My Halloween Punkins!!
Ride 'Em Cowboy!!
My little cow. He is mooing in this picture.
My Rainbow Princess!
Little 50s/60s Bobby-soxer!